Health tips By Abi

Do you suffer from doing sit-ups or planks?

For a long time, those looking for a flat stomach only had one way to achieve it: "work out" in the gym doing sit-ups in all their versions. However, for some time now, their effectiveness has been questioned by numerous experts. Many of them proposed the plank as an equally effective and less demanding alternative. This exercise allows you to strengthen your abdomen without risking tension in the cervical or lumbar spine, which sometimes used to appear when doing sit-ups. So, in a way, you can say that the plank ousted the sit-ups when it came to choosing an exercise to achieve a strong, smooth and firm stomach. Now, many trainers propose another exercise, also very simple, to tone the core. It is a great option when you are one of those who avoid series of sit-ups or the plank, or if you want to add some variety to your training sessions. It is the pelvic lift. You may know this exercise as "the bridge" or if you are a yoga practitioner, you will recognize it by the name of Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. Strengthens the abdomen and much more Whatever you call it, the benefits that this exercise provides for the body are practically the same. Two of the most obvious are that it tones the abdomen and strengthens the glutes. However, it does not end there. Among the most interesting, the following stand out: Increases stability. Reduces the risk of suffering injuries and back pain. Improves your physical condition to perform other types of exercises such as lunges, weights or squats. Perfects posture. Increases stability. How to correctly perform the bridge? As we mentioned, the difficulty of this exercise is minimal. In addition, as in most exercises, it is possible to do a basic version and from there add variables with greater difficulty or intensity. This exercise, in addition to strengthening the core muscles (abdominals, lower back, etc.), works the glutes and hamstrings. All you have to do is follow these steps: How to do it? Lie on your back and barefoot on a mat. Place the soles of your feet on the ground, keeping your legs hip-width apart. Keep your arms stretched out alongside your body. Relaxed. Slowly raise your hips as you inhale. Notice how your abdomen fills with air. Make sure your shoulders and arms are relaxed throughout the exercise. When you reach the highest point you can reach without bending your back, hold the position for a couple of seconds. Then, slowly lower your hips until they touch the floor, while letting the air out slowly through your nose. Repeat the movement 10 times per set. Ideally, you should be able to do three, alternating between breaks. Take it easy and go at your own pace. Reasons to forget about abs First of all, one of the most compelling reasons to leave aside traditional abdominal exercises is that the pelvic lift allows you to work more muscle groups. This advantage means that its benefits are concentrated on these: It helps protect the knees. The pelvic lift strengthens the hamstrings, which are located at the back of the thigh. This muscle, which is not easy to activate, is essential for achieving greater stability in the body and, above all, in the knee. Therefore, the pelvic lift can help us, in the long term, to prevent injuries in this joint, which, by the way, is one of the most complicated in the skeleton. It improves hip stability. By strengthening the gluteal muscles, it improves hip stability. It can also be part of a routine to correct and improve body posture. In addition, by strengthening so many muscle groups, it can serve as preparation to perform other exercises with greater solvency and safety. On the other hand, regular practice can prevent and relieve back pain, particularly in the lower back (lumbar). So it is highly recommended, both for people who already suffer from this type of pathology, and for those who are just looking to prevent it. Most common mistakes when doing the bridge Although it is a simple exercise, it is always advisable to follow the advice of specialists. They will take into account your specific conditions and will tell you how to do it to avoid possible injuries. Below, we collect some of the most common mistakes when doing this exercise: Bringing the heels too close to the buttocks. The ideal is to keep the legs at a 45-degree angle. This way, our knees will not be in any danger and when we do the movement, it will be much more effective. Raising the hips too much. If we do this, we may hurt our lower back. Bringing the neck back. It is important to avoid this, otherwise the cervical vertebrae will suffer. Tucking the knees in. To avoid this, simply activate the glutes.